ReadySet Releases
March 13, 2025 - ReadySet 3.7
Segment Planogramming
- Updated Export Report UI to be more intuitive and easier to navigate
- Added PSA files to available export types
- Improved overall performance
Large Format Grocery Lab
- Updated Pharmacy area
- Added Toggleable produce section
- Added Endcaps without Base Decks to support a wider range of use cases
Drug Lab
- Updated Drug Lab layout
- Refreshed visuals
CStore 5 Lab (QSR)
- Added new CStore (QSR) environment
Walmart Lab
- Added toggleable produce section
Dollar General Lab
- Added new Dollar General Lab environment
Costco Lab
- Added new Costco Lab environment
Home Depot
- Added navigable exterior environment to existing lab space
- Added support for proximity detection to custom fixtures
- Can trigger Audio cues, Videos, Toggling of elements, or any combination
- Corrected an issue with several default fixtures incorrectly creating empty cameras
- Corrected an issue that would sometimes cause cameras to sit too close to small product sets, clipping edges
- Corrected an issue where 7 inch base decks would fail to save correctly
- Corrected an issue where the camera would face the wrong direction when loading 2D Desktop or Presenter modes
February 12, 2025 - ReadySet 3.6.1
- Added support for Custom Fixture Proximity Approach interactions
December 18, 2024 - ReadySet 3.6
Desktop Planogramming
- Added Product Facings Report to available export types
- Added ability to change fixture color
- Added “Download Missing Products” check when opening a segment file
Research Mode
- Updated Eye Tracking SDK to latest version to support VIVE Focus Vision and XR Elite headsets
- Updated SDK also requires up to date SR Runtime to use eye tracking in Research Mode
- Contact [email protected] for information on updating to the latest SR Runtime
- Added Shelf Height to Purchase and Fixation CSV reports
- Added product original position to Purchase CSV report
- Updated Configure UI to be more responsive
- Reorganized Heatmap Image Output folders to be based on image type, not camera name
- Corrected an issue that, in some cases, prevented Base Decks from being correctly identified when using shallow shelf depths
- Corrected an issue that could cause auto cams in freezers to be either too close or too far away
October 18, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5.5
Research Mode
- Corrected an issue that prevented users from configuring cells for research
October 15, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5.4
Desktop Planogramming
- Corrected an issue where using “Evenly Distribute” tool cause shelf shadows to flicker along the edge of products
- Corrected an issue that caused products to flicker inside reach in coolers
Large Format Grocery Lab
- Updated store to include exterior gas pumps
- Updated Entryway walls to accept display fixtures
- Added signage snapping system to entry doors
- Users can now attach signage graphics to the entrance doors
- Signs will move with doors on opening
Research Mode
- Corrected an issue that would, in rare cases, cause endcap positions to shift slightly
- Corrected an issue that caused backfill products to fall through the basket when purchased
- Improved localization support for price tags
- Price tags now support multiple characters for currency symbol
- Users can now cycle between “1,000.00” and “1.000,00” formats
- Added a generic Ice Cream Bunker to default fixtures
August 23, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5.3
Desktop Planogramming
- Added Box Selection mode, for easier selection of multiple products or fixtures
- Holding “Shift” and dragging will activate box selection mode. Note that the current selection will be cleared and replaced by the box selection.
- Holding “Ctrl” + “Shift” and dragging will activate box selection mode, however the current selection will not be cleared. Instead, the box selection will be added to the current selection.
PSA Importing
- Improved PSA importing system when using mismatched backer and shelf widths
- Shelves will now automatically merge to match the backer width
- Corrected an issue that allowed aisle shadows to appear in reports, unintentionally darkening products and fixtures
- Adjusted auto generated cameras in freezers to prevent clipping
- Corrected an issue where price label text would incorrectly appear as red when generating heatmaps
- Corrected an issue where failing to download a product could occasionally cause the application to lock up
- Added support for videos on custom fixtures
- Added support for edge to edge snapping in custom fixtures
- Improved Custom Fixture wallpaper toggling
- Improved fixture on fixture snapping and adjustment, especially for custom display fixtures and display products
- Corrected an issue where custom stores would attempt to load data twice
- Corrected an issue where long directory names could overlap last edit date
June 17, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5.2
Desktop Planogramming
- Improved reliability of PDF Export when shelves contained a large quantity of products
- Increased resolution of exported images to a maximum of 16K
- Improved loading of .psa files when shelf sizes are within 3 inches of a supported gondola size
- Added ability to Multi-select shelves, pegs, and products by holding CTRL while clicking them
- Corrected an issue that prevented updated products from correctly displaying their updated information
- Added “Evenly Distribute” tool, allowing products to be evenly spaced out across the selected shelf or multiple selected concurrent shelves
VR Planogramming
- Corrected an issue that could cause wallpaper to incorrectly remain active after loading a Segment file
- Corrected an issue that prevented High Res Screenshots from including price labels
- Corrected an issue that prevented Segment files exported from VR Planogramming from preserving their config data
- Added 36” and 48” Peg Bar to fixture collection
Aisle Showcase
- Corrected an issue that caused products to appear grayed out when viewed using Store Viewer or Presenter Mode
- Added additional price label variants for Target and Walmart
- Updated application to default to Windowed mode. Pressing “F11” will expand to Fullscreen.
- Corrected an issue with Over The Belt fixtures that caused them to stack
May 9, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5.1
- Removed product details from default price label due to difficulty reading font size in VR
May 8, 2024 - ReadySet 3.5
Desktop Planogramming
- Rebuilt PSA Validation menu to provide more options and improve overall planogram parsing when starting with a PSA file
- Added menu to allow better selection of fixture sizes
- Added support for config data in segments
- Added new menus for product data assignment and tracking
- Added “Overlay” feature
- Users can select an Overlay to show an accurate representation of the visual appearance of a segment when dropped in VR or converted to an OVR cell
- Added support for price labels in Desktop Planogramming
- Added “Copy Left” and “Copy Right” tools, for horizontal filling
- Added ability to export CSV report, Screenshot, and Sub-segments, as well as improved PDF Export accuracy
- Added green checkmark to help identify products already in the set
- Corrected an issue where PDF Export would lock up if product name was too long
- Added support for “unit price” on price labels
- Unit Price is assigned in the Config page
- Corrected an issue where config data would fail to load for products whose UPC began with “0”
Home Depot Lab
- Corrected an issue where Pallets would not correctly snap to the floor
- Corrected an issue where peg hooks loaded from PSA files could have the wrong depth
March 19, 2024 - ReadySet 3.4.4
- Corrected an issue where Fixture Tags were not correctly displayed in the purchase report
January 17, 2024 - ReadySet 3.4.2
- Corrected an issue with Walmart Gondola fixtures that cause shelves to incorrectly scale
- Corrected an issue that allowed Peg fixtures to incorrectly position themselves when attaching to the edge of shelves
- Updated Fixture on Fixture snapping to allow for 7.5 degree rotations
- Added 1 inch incremental snapping to left-right and forward-back positioning of fixture on fixture
December 5, 2023 - ReadySet 3.4.1
Segment Planogramming
- Corrected an issue that caused the scale tool to show too many decimal places
- Corrected an issue that caused the scale tool to update a product’s size too frequently
- Corrected an issue that allowed users to use hotkey shortcuts while the scale menu was open
- Corrected an issue where the “Download All” button failed to set products as downloaded
- Updated Pallets to allow for increments of 7.5 degree rotations to cover a wider array of uses
- Corrected an issue that allowed some fixtures to incorrectly show up in the planogramming menu
- Corrected an issue that could cause fixtures to become pink if they were saved while selected for Segment Exporting
Home Depot Lab
- Corrected an issue that allowed products to float a few inches above the shelf
November 14, 2023 - ReadySet 3.4
Segment Planogramming
- Added Segment Planogramming mode
- Allows users to build Planograms using a 2D interface
- Planograms are saved out as ReadySet Segment files
- Existing Segment Files can be opened and edited
- Added PDF Report exporting
- Users can export PDF Reports of their Planograms
- PDFs contain image reference as well as Aisle/Shelf/Product breakdowns
Store Planogramming
- Renamed “VR Planogramming” to “Store Planogramming” to better indicate features
- Added Desktop Planogram mode
- Users can chose to launch Store Planogramming in either “VR” or “Desktop” modess
- In Desktop mode, users navigate the store using Presenter Mode flying camera controls
- Users can disable wallpaper by right-clicking it
- Users can re-enable wallpaper by right clicking the base deck
- Users can load a segment by right clicking the gondola backer
Segment Export/Import
- Corrected an issue with Segments saving double facings of gondola
- Corrected an issue with Segments failing to save when only the base deck was planogrammed
- Corrected an issue with Segment Export Simple Mode being blocked by fixtures in front of the backer
- Corrected an issue with Segments failing to import correctly when using nested custom fixtures
- Corrected an issue that prevented products from loading when importing nested custom fixtures
- Added pagination to Segment Import menu in Store Planogramming
Home Depot Lab
- Added functional “Home Depot” lab environment
- Added “Home Depot” lab racking and shelving fixtures
- Updated engine version to improve application performance
- Corrected an issue that could cause some DRC single items to overlap the controller
- Improved Update All buttons to more accurately indicate how may products will be updated
July 24, 2023 - ReadySet 3.3
VR Planogramming
- Added support for loading JDA files using metric (cm)
- Added 36” gondola option to Aisle Showcase
- Corrected an issue that caused upfilled products to drop down to the shelf when moving fixtures
- Redesigned Segment Exporting system to improve performance and usability
Desktop Planograming
- Rebuilt former JDA Validation into Import/Validate PSA
- After opening a JDA File, users can adjust product positioning, rotation, scale, and upfill
- Users can access their Product Library to replace or add new products to the set
- Edits can be exported as a ReadySet Segment file for import into VR Planogramming mode
- Improved shadow quality on Endcaps with Gondola Shading Feature
June 27, 2023 - ReadySet 3.2.3
- Reactivated Import Custom Products feature when using a Custom Product Library to allow for innovation product to be tracked separately
June 26, 2023 - ReadySet 3.2.2
- Corrected an issue that caused RSF files to fail to open
- Corrected an issue where auto cams could overwrite each other when fixtures were copied
June 19, 2023 - ReadySet 3.2.1
- Added Custom Product Library support
- Users can enter a custom product library path in settings
- Products are pulled from this custom library instead of the default ReadySet Cloud
- Improved product lighting
- Added Cutout to Custom Product types
- Allows for front and back panel images
- Supports PNGs with transparency
- Optional Depth allows for control over backfill spacing
- Corrected an issue that could cause shadows to flicker at the ends of an aisle
Front End 8ft
- Corrected an issue that would cause objects to flicker on and off while navigating the Pharmacy or Customer Service areas
Front End 11ftt
- Corrected an issue that would cause objects to flicker on and off while navigating the Pharmacy or Customer Service areas
May 30, 2023 - ReadySet 3.2
- Added Display Fixture and Display Product support
- Products that tie pricing data to a live product, but cannot be purchased
- Display products collect and record eye tracking separate from live product
- Greatly improved visual quality of product and aisle shadows when using higher quality settings
- Added fully functional Manned Checkout and Self Checkout options to default fixtures
- Added Basket Prefill support
- Under research tab, users can now activate “Basket Prefill”
- Allows users to define a set of products that are automatically added to the cart once a research session is started
May 18, 2023 - ReadySet 3.1.1
Walmart Lab
- Corrected an issue that prevented RSF files from loading
Target Lab
- Updated lighting to brighten store
- Added support for cameras that capture multiple variants of the same object (Checkouts, Display Screens, flipbooks, presentations, etc.)
- Corrected an issue where upfill products were not resetting to the correct height
Presenter Mode
- Corrected an issue where clicking a product prevented exiting presenter mode
- Corrected an issue where navigating with arrow keys would advance slides, even if the 3D view was active
- Corrected an issue that caused signage groups to fail to load the last page
- Corrected a rendering issue that caused some objects to only appear in one eye
- Corrected an issue related to saving signage within RSG files
- Adjusted product white balancing to reduce dim/dark packaging
- Updated default quality settings
April 13, 2023 - ReadySet 3.1
Quality Settings
- Added advanced quality settings options to allow more control over visual fidelity
- Product Shadow - Improves shadow quality of products
- Aisle Shadow - Adds shadows underneath shelves in aisles
- Floor Reflections - Adds real time accurate reflections to floors
- Image Upscaling - Allows for improved performance at the cost of visual quality
- Added Quality Presets in Settings page for ease of use
- Custom - Allows for manual adjustment of each option
- Legacy - Uses legacy 3.0 lighting and shadows
- Highest Performance - Gives the highest performance at the cost of the lowest quality
- Performance - Gives better performance at the cost of slightly lower visual quality. (Recommended for large files or product sets)
- Balanced - Recommend settings
- Quality - Gives better visual quality, but may cost performance on lower end systems
- Highest Quality - Gives the highest visual quality at the cost of the lowest performance. (Not recommended for large files or product sets)
- Added support for custom checkout fixtures
- Fully interactable
- Both Self and Manned Checkout options available
- Added Basket Pre-Fill system
- Prior to research, a basket can be loaded with predefined products
- Added additional options for Queue Line Shoppers available in Front End Builder
- Corrected an issue where cameras would sometimes fail to appear when generating reports if there was a UPC in the camera name
- Updated all CStore environments to allow fixtures to be placed on the counter
- Added new CStore variant
- CStore 4 (U Area - No Self Check)
- Corrected an issue that would cause Aisle Audit files to load reversed
Presenter Mode
- Corrected an issue where presenter mode would fail to load if research mode had been entered first
- Corrected an issue that prevented “Update All” checks from running successfully
- Corrected an issue where controller highlighting would stay active in rare cases on loading a set
- Corrected several layer orders that could cause controller tooltips to vanish partially behind products
March 20, 2023 - ReadySet 3.0
- Overhauled User Interface to streamline end user experience
- Added color selection popup to all color input fields
- Rebuilt library pages from the ground up to improve product and fixture findability
- Brands are now a searchable filter
- Fixtures, Logos, and Signage are now searchable pages
- Reworked interaction mechanics in research mode. Users can now spin product being held by using touchpad/joystick left and right
- Integrated SteamVR Bindings editor
- Users can now choose to re-bind their controls to their liking
- Added native controller support for HP Reverb, Meta Quest, and Vive Focus platforms
- Greatly enhanced application performance
- Enhanced visual fidelity across application
- Added Shadow quality options in settings
January 6, 2023 - ReadySet 2.11.5
Walmart Lab
- Activated Grab & Go area for planogramming
Large Format Grocery Lab
- Corrected an issue that prevented users from being able to use segment export in the bakery area
- Corrected an issue that caused auto generated cameras to incorrectly size themselves for non 90 degree aisles
- Adjusted maximum black and white values when creating fixtures to prevent fixtures looking flat and losing detail shading
December 12, 2022 - ReadySet 2.11.4
Lowe’s Lab
- Added additional reporting cameras to better visualize endcaps and open placement area
- Adjusted fixture on fixture logic to allow for a wider range of fixtures to be placed on shelving
- Corrected an issue that failed to disable racking colliders, resulting in duplicate fixtures in some cases
- Corrected an issue with manual reporting cameras failing to register in report generation when using custom stores
- Increased boldness of lines in product report for clearer visibility
- Increased size of camera dropdown in report view for better visibility of long camera names
October 27, 2022 - ReadySet 2.11.3
- Improved UPC translation logic to better convert UPCs to 6 digit variants
Large Format Grocery (Graphics)
- Corrected an issue that caused teleport tracking reports to be empty
- Adjusted purchase reports to more accurately indicate the gondola/fixture a product is purchased from
October 14, 2022 - ReadySet 2.11.2
Large Format Grocery Lab
- Enabled Bakery section as planogrammable
- Added Bakery Tables to default fixtures
- Corrected an issue with importing older configuration templates
October 7, 2022 - ReadySet 2.11.1
Walmart Lab
- Updated Walmart Lab to include Pharmacy and Health and Beauty section
- Updated Walmart Lab to support Front End Builder
- Corrected an issue that could cause wallpaper pallets in club to fail to disable when clicked
- Corrected an issue that caused pallets in club to flicker when viewed through racking
Presenter Mode
- Corrected an issue that prevented the slides from being dismissed when clicking the close button
- Added ability to specify a zero teleport distance when configuring files
- Ideal for sets where the respondent is expected to stay stationary or walk within the given play space to complete research
September 26, 2022 - ReadySet 2.11
Presenter Mode
- Added controller support to Store Viewer, Location Setup, and Presenter modes
- Currently supports Xbox controller configurations
- Allows environment to be navigated and slides to be advanced using controller instead of keyboard
- Corrected an issue that caused the headset and controllers to appear in High Res Screenshots if they were sitting in front of an aisle
- Corrected an issue that could cause Segment Importing to fail if the Segment folder had moved
- Adjusted price label generation to allow price tags to shrink for narrow products to prevent overlap
- Added Eye Tracking cameras specific to hinged doors and lids
- Reduced the size of the branding bar in reports to minimize overlap with potential research data
- Adjusted lighting of product and fixture previews to be brighter and more consistent
Lowes Lab
- Improved lighting quality to remove dark shadows from uprights when wallpaper was disabled
- Corrected an issue that prevented hinged doors from falling open on some fixtures
- Removed repeated haptic pulse on opening drawers on some fixtures
- Updated Default Fixtures to include larger assortment of Front End Fixturing
- Corrected an issue that caused Copied Projects to fail to save is High Res Screenshots were generated before saving for the first time
- Corrected an issue that allowed Base Decks to be copied using Copy/Paste
- Corrected an issue that could cause unintended visual discrepancies to appear when placing custom fixtures on shelves
July 25, 2022 - ReadySet 2.10.1
- Corrected an issue that prevented shelving form snapping to some front end fixtures
- Corrected an issue that was causing JDA to incorrectly place on some front end fixtures
July 18, 2022 - ReadySet 2.10
Drug Lab
- Updated drug lab to remove hidden gondola until wallpaper is disabled
- Corrected wallpaper alignment
- NOTE: Fixture positions have shifted slightly, so some legacy files may appear slightly off
Walmart Front End
- Added extended design space to Front End Builder to support larger designs
Lowes Lab
- Improved visual quality in some areas
- Added planogrammable racking aisle
- Corrected an issue with upfill products resetting their positions incorrectly
- Added support for hinged doors
- Doors open by grabbing and pulling
- Doors will act with physics if trigger is released
June 27, 2022 - ReadySet 2.9
Lowes Lab
- Corrected several visual discrepancies in the Lowes Lab environment
Walmart Lab
- Added Walmart Lab environment
- Includes fully planogrammable back wall racking
- Added product format to the ProductInfo.csv report
- Corrected an issue that forced report generation to activate SR Runtime
- Corrected an issue with custom products failing to be added to the save file
- Corrected an issue with wallpaper not disabling in the hub when loading custom stores
June 1, 2022 - ReadySet 2.8.1
Plan & Present
- Corrected an issue that caused fixtures to turn white when exiting Segment Exporting
- Corrected an issue with opening files with placeholder not allowing download of missing products
- Corrected an issue that could cause products and placeholders to jump to the base deck when being moved
Lowes Lab
- Corrected an issue with Front End Builder location
- Corrected an issue that allowed users to configure legacy save files without first updating them, creating empty saves
- Added improved “Blob” shadows to custom fixtures
- Allows for more realistic shadow casting
- Corrected an issue that caused Front End Builder files to fail to correctly position the player
May 23, 2022 - ReadySet 2.8
Plan & Present
- Renamed “Planogram Mode” to “Plan & Present” to better match functionality
- Added “Presentation Mode” Beta feature
- Allows users to integrate presentation slides and/or videos directly into their ReadySet cells
- NOTE: Currently only supports PNG and MP4 files
- Users can set key points through their cell using “Location Setup”
- These points can be jumped directly to in the presentation
- Improved placement logic in JDA and Segment Importing
- Added “Capture Hi Res Screenshots” button to Moderator control for convenience
- Added default “Waterfall” merchandiser to available fixtures
Custom Fixtures
- Added support for stackable fixtures
- Custom fixtures can now be stacked with other custom fixtures and shelves
- Peg Hooks can now be affixed to the front of a shelf
- Added scalable fixtures
- Custom fixtures that can be resized up and down in planogramming
- Added Display Items
- Items that can be interacted with, but not purchased
- Added support for sliding drawers
- Drawers that can be interacted with and will slide a set distance
- Added support for animations that play on click
Lowes Lab
- Added new environment, “Lowes Lab”
- Supports Front End Builder
- Corrected an issue with default tag on custom fixtures causing data processing errors when generating reports
- Restructured save logic to support stacked fixtures and be more efficient
- NOTE: It is recommended that users create a backup of their existing save files before opening/saving in ReadySet v2.8
- NOTE: Research mode does not support legacy save files. To run research, files will first need to be opened in planogram mode and saved
- Corrected an issue that would cause memory to spike in the Fixtures page in the Library
April 24, 2022 - ReadySet 2.7.4
- Updated Shadow Casting to prevent exteriors of stores looking too dark
- Corrected an issue that would disable doors in report generation, even if that door contained eye trackable signage
March 30, 2022 - ReadySet 2.7.3
- Adjusted Peg snapping logic to preserve product height
- Products placed on Peg Hooks will no longer have their height automatically adjusted. They will keep the height they are placed at
- Corrected an issue that caused products loaded onto peg hooks from JDA to load at the back of the peg
- Added basic counter to default fixtures
- Corrected an issue that could cause some products to fail to delete or update
Scene Viewer
- Added options to toggle visibility of Queue Shoppers and Fixture Tags
- Improved naming convention for custom store fixtures to better identify product placements
- Corrected an issue that caused some products to render incorrectly in screenshots
- Improved Product loading to increase framerate
- Added “Enable High Performance Shaders” option to quality settings
- May improve performance in large sets
- May cause some reduced visual quality of products
- Added Custom Store Caching
- Custom stores can now be cached after their first load
- Drastically reduces load times for subsequent uses of the same custom store
- Corrected an issue that caused screenshot generation in large stores to run out of memory
- Physics improvements
- Corrected some collisions that would force objects apart, causing unintended location snapping
March 18, 2022 - ReadySet
- Adjusted base deck depth in reach in coolers to prevent edge blocker from covering adjacencies
March 14, 2022 - ReadySet
- Corrected an issue that caused Peg hooks loaded from JDA and Segments to incorrectly position themselves
- Renamed “JDA Squeeze” to “Use JDA Measurements” to more accurately describe function
- Adjusted JDA loading to prevent products from scaling up in size
- Corrected issues with JDA Peg strip loading to properly align with gondola
February 18, 2022 - ReadySet 2.7.2
- Corrected an issue that caused multiple identical fixtures to overwrite each other in Composite Generation
- Corrected an issue that could cause some wallpaper not to disable when generating composites
- Corrected issues with default cooler fixture cameras clipping heatmap visuals
- Enabled JDA loading on custom gondola in custom stores
- Corrected an issue that caused JDA Placeholders (White Boxes) to appear backward
- Corrected an issue that could cause it to be difficult to grab/copy/paste Backers in Custom Stores
- Temporarily disabled “Save As” to investigate reports of app hanging when clicking menu while still attached to hand
- Corrected issues with Segment Importing Peg Hook rotations, height, and depth
- Requires existing segments to be re-exported
- Adjusted JDA Validation to account for different products that share the same UPC
- I.e. Products that share a placeholder UPC but contain different data are now considered different products
- Corrected an issue with certain transparent packages rendering incorrectly
January 19, 2022 - ReadySet 2.7.1
- Corrected an issue with top down cameras not appearing in the Create Composite menu with Custom Stores
January 14, 2022 - ReadySet 2.7
- Added additional default fixtures to Planogram Mode
- Added “Save As” option to in-headset save menu
- Opens a file browser to allow for saving files
- Allows user to work in a single file and save variations with different names without needing to leave Planogram Mode
- Added tag system to custom and default fixtures
- Tags appear above the fixture in Planogram Mode
- User can point at the tag, click, and hold right hand trigger to open a keyboard to assign tags to fixture
- Tags will appear in Research Mode reports
- Allows users to define additional descriptors for fixtures when placing multiple instances of the same fixture (ex. “Aisle 1”, “Checklane 3”, “Back of Store”, etc.)
- Corrected an issue with screenshots not properly playing audio feedback
- Corrected an issue that prevented default or custom fixtures from loading in RSF files
- Corrected an issue that allowed users to Super Size while holding custom fixtures, causing those fixtures to also double in size
Target Lab
- Corrected an issue that caused one section of wallpaper and one endcap to become non-interactable
- Added checks to prevent creating multiple Custom Products with the same UPC
- Causes issues with data association in Research Mode
- When loading RSG files, if multiple custom products with the same UPC are detected, user is prompted to select one to keep
- Implemented pagination
- Library search results are now separated into multiple pages to improve performance
- Users can select a number of results to show per page. Increasing this number may reduce performance
December 16, 2021 - ReadySet 2.6.3
Custom Environments
- Added support for sliding cooler doors and single sided gondola to Custom Environments
- Corrected an issue that caused cameras for custom fixture to appear in the list twice when generating reports
- Corrected issues with alignment of products when using segment exporting
December 2, 2021 - ReadySet 2.6.2
Large Format Grocery (Graphics)
- Corrected an issue that caused products in the Deli to appear black
December 1, 2021 - ReadySet 2.6.1
Custom Environments
- Added toggleable wallpaper functionality to custom environments
Custom Fixtures
- Added ability to spawn proper shelf directly from a custom fixture
- Shelf is spawned by reaching controller down to base beck and pulling the trigger
- Does not require opening or searching the planogramming menu
- Corrected an issue where duplicate custom fixture eye tracking cameras would overwrite each other
- Corrected an issue that prevented the screenshot feedback notification from playing
- Corrected an issue with transparent packaging that caused it to turn white in screenshots and data reports
- Corrected an issue with the UTC Deli bench that caused price labels to float above it
- Corrected an issue that prevented custom products from saving when placed on custom fixtures
- Improved product texture system when using rough packaging
- Corrected an issue that would allow endcaps to stack indefinitely when saving files
Front End
- Corrected alignment of winged endacps
Novemeber 5, 2021 - ReadySet 2.6
CStore 3 (U Area)
- Added new CStore environment
- Contains “L” shaped checkout counter
- Supports Front End (RSF) Files
Large Format Grocery
- Updated Deli area in Large Format Grocery environments
- Deli now contains multiple planogrammable shelves
- Wallpaper can be disabled to allow further customization of planograms
- Added Deli Under the Counter bench fixture to placeable fixtures
- Can be found in the “Fixtures” tab of the Planogramming Menu
Front End
- Added ability to load Front End (RSF) files directly from the “Open Project” page
- Removed “Front End” tab from planogramming menu
- Removed RSF folder location
- Users navigate to and open their RSF file as if they were opening a project
- For RSF files where more than one possible store option exists, users will be prompted to select the environment they wish to load the file into
Scene Viewer
- Added Scene Viewer mode
- Found under the “Planogramming” section of the landing page
- Allows users to load a project with first person navigation
- Does not require users to wear a headset to view projects
- Added surface texture bumps/smoothness to products and improved their quality of transparency
- Switched to native Windows File Browser when selecting files in ReadySet
- Added hourglass cursor to better indicate when stores or files are loading
- Added default fixture support
- Fixtures can now be automatically added to the ReadySet library on application startup
- Added loading indicator to Custom Product and Fixture importing
October 20, 2021 - ReadySet 2.5.1
- Fixed an issue that would remove backfill when clicking backfill button if the product had already reached its maximum allowed backfill
- Fixed an issue with Legacy Custom Stores that incorrectly removed unused Gondola
- Fixed an issue with missing price labels on Custom Store fixtures
September 24, 2021 - ReadySet 2.5
- Added “Brand” column to output reports
- DRC single items now tie purchase data to their DRC
- Added Auto-generated Cameras to Signage
- Added support for multiple price label locations on custom fixtures
- Added Missing JDA Item highlighting
- When loading JDA files, missing products will be replaced with a placeholder
- Placeholder will be a white box
- Placeholder will have missing item UPC listed on front
- Placeholder will match the size of the missing item
- Added Product Alignment feature
- Found in Product tab of planogramming menu
- Activating “Align Products” button will align ALL products to the front edge of their fixture
- Once aligned, this can NOT be undone
- Added Segment Exporting feature
- Found under new “Segments” tab in planogramming menu
- Users can select one or more gondola or gondola run and “Export” them
- Exported segments can then be “Imported” into other RSG FIles
- Segment Export/Import folder location must first be assigned in “Settings”
- Added 1 inch Left/Right snapping to Shelves
- Added option to “Settings” that allows user to specify the location of their ReadySet Asset Library
- Note that network/cloud drives are NOT supported at this time
- Renamed “All” to “Back” in category dropdown to better indicate functionality
- Added support for more complex, multi level Custom Fixtures
- Improved system for downloading missing products
- Added support for nested “Multi-DRC”
- DRC that contain different product, flavor, or color options
- Data can be tracked on the Multi-DRC box, as well as the individual products within
- Added Custom Color option to Create Custom Product
- The base box or can color can be assigned when creating the custom product
- Any face of the custom product that does not have an image loaded will be colored
- Added support for placeable Custom Fixtures
- Custom fixtures can be moved/placed by the user
- Custom fixtures are fully Eye Trackable
Target Lab
- Added new “Target Lab” environment
- Contains standard gondola, reach in coolers, and refrigerated sections
- Contains pre-built signage package
- Rebuilt legacy CStore to greatly improve visual quality
- Includes planogrammable refrigerated wall
- Includes default Under The Counter and Quick Serve options that can be disabled
- Includes store exterior/parking lot and gasoline pumps
CStore Queue Area
- Added new CStore Variant with open queue area
- Supports Front End Builder files generated in ReadySet Portal
- Allows for customized queuing layouts
- Added user feedback audio and visual when taking screenshots
- Locked controller screenshot camera horizontally, to prevent images from appearing angled
- Removed unused Gondola in older save files, to improve performance
- Improved feedback when attempting to overwrite save files
- Corrected an issue with Presenter Mode when looking at partially transparent signage
- Corrected an issue where pressing “Tab” in Configure menu would incorrectly attempt to load the RSG file
- Corrected an issue that allowed clicking menu items while hovering over products or fixtures, resulting in picking both up simultaneously.
August 2, 2021 - ReadySet 2.4
Large Format Grocery
- Improved visual quality in both standard and graphics version
- Corrected an issue that would cause teleporting to be blocked when loading Front End (RSF) files
- Fixed an issue preventing Section Dwell files from generating
- Fixed an issue when opening files built in 2.2 that would cause the front end area to disappear
Aisle Showcase
- Added Aisle Showcase environment
- User can specify aisle length
- White box background allows for more focused research
- Adjusted Pallets to allow for products to overflow by up to 2 inches per siden
- Allows for easier construction of pallets with large products
- Corrected an issue that prevented pallets from snapping to the floor after saving and loading the file
- Removed SR Runtime dependence
- SR Runtime should no longer prompt when in planogram mode
- Added Custom Fixtures
- Users can import custom fixture bundles on the “Fixture” page
- Custom fixtures can be placed through Front End Builder in ReadySet Portal
- Bundles must be imported prior to importing RSF file in headset
- Custom Fixtures can be generated through ReadySet Pro Services
- Contact us at [email protected] for more information
- Greatly improved performance and reduced file size when using Grocery or Large Format Grocery environments
- Restructured loading system to be more efficient
- Added additional user feedback when loading files
- Corrected an issue that would allow users to click the “Launch VR” button before the file had finished loading
- Corrected an issue where loading a newly generated RSF file in Front End 8ft or Front End 11ft would fail
- Fixed offset issues when loading RSF Files
June 14, 2021 - ReadySet 2.3
- Adjusted First Person window in Presenter view to prevent overlap with Purchases window
- Added ability to toggle queue line shoppers off in planogramming mode
- Found on options pane in “Front End” menu tab
- Allows for easier, un-obstructed creation of Planograms
- Added Large Format Grocery (Graphics) version
- Same footprint as Large Format Grocery
- Includes pre-built graphics and signage package
- Added Front End support to Large Format Grocery
- Large Format Grocery Front End can now be designed in Portal
- Can use default traditional check lanes or load a Front End (RSF) file to replace them with custom configurations
- Added support for Front End Builder to Custom Stores
- Custom Stores can now be built to include a loadable Front End area
June 1, 2021 - ReadySet 2.2
- Redesigned Moderator UI to be cleaner
- Moderators can now remove unwanted entries, including when “Endless Basket” is used
- Adjusted purchases order so most recent entries appear at the top
- Added Large Format Grocery lab environment
- Complete store (15 Aisles), Refrigerated section, perimeter wall, and traditional front end checklanes all active
- Added 2 additional Front End Environments
- “Open”
- Fully open front end space
- “Customer Service”
- Fully open front end space, but includes a Customer Service desk
- Added Queue Line System
- Users can now design and customize queue lines in Portal as part of Front End Builder
- Queue line Duration
- Queue line Style (Basket or Cart)
- Added support for Traditional Checklanes to Portal (Front End Builder)
- Added Custom Fixture System
- ReadySet Pro Services now supports the creation of customized fixtures
- Users can import and use these fixtures in the “Library” page
- Custom fixtures transfer across systems within save files
- Custom Fixtures are supported in Portal (Front End Builder)
- Introduced new Installer/Update system
- Users can now click the “Check for Updates” button to be guided through the automatic download and installation of new version updates
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the preview from rotating in the main menu
- Greatly improved performance in large stores
May 3, 2021 - ReadySet 2.1.8
- Corrected an issue that caused endcaps in custom stores to be disabled
April 21, 2021 - ReadySet 2.1.7
- Corrected a typo that caused some shelves in Custom Stores to fail to show price tags
- Corrected a transparency issue for products with clear packaging and opaque labels
February 2, 2021 - ReadySet 2.1.5
- Adjusted render settings to greatly improve performance in large sets
- Added settings to product loading to support transparency and metallic/reflective packaging on some products
- Increased product reset/delete timeout when on floor from 2 seconds to 4 seconds
- Adjusted triggers in refrigerated section to make turning wallpaper off more consistent
December 7, 2020 - ReadySet 2.1.4
- Corrected further issues with wallpapers and endcaps incorrectly being disabled/li>
- Adjusted JDA loading to allow peg and shelf fixtures to snap up to 48” above the max gondola height/li>
- Fixed an issue where “Copy Project” was not working with Custom Environments
- Adjusted product loading to support colored transparency on some products
- Added foundation for update checking system in preparation for new installer system (to be released in a future update)
September 29, 2020 - ReadySet 2.1.3
- Fixed an issue where Endcaps were being incorrectly disabled in research mode
September 17, 2020 - ReadySet 2.1.2
- Fixed an issue where Respondents could inadvertently activate wallpapers by clicking the touchpad while touching the Gondola Base Deck
July 21, 2020 - ReadySet 2.1.1
- Price labels now show in planogram mode
- Prices must still be set in Research > Configure
- Fixed an issue where cameras in Custom Stores were not being disabled in research mode
- Fixed an issue where Top Down Cameras were not showing the store when generating composites in Custom Stores
- Added “Half” Pallet to supported Pallet Fixture sizes
- Fixed an issue where fixtures would not use the default color if making more than one at a time
- Moved “No Logo” option to top of logo dropdown, for users with extensive logo libraries
- Fixed some minor UI Alignment issues
July 2, 2020 - ReadySet 2.1
Front End Builder
- The Front End Builder allows you to create custom self check environment, saved as RSF files. It can be accessed at
- Two new Front End Specific environments including 8’ and 11’ traditional checklanes
- Added ability to load RSF files into ReadySet Front End Environments
- Added option in the Settings page to specify the location of RSF files
- Once loaded, RSF files will automatically place front end fixtures in accordance with RSF file design
- RSF files can be accessed/loaded from the “Front End” tab on the VR UI Menu
Grocery Lab Environment
- Activated the deli/meat coolers for planogramming
Drug Lab Environment
- Complete update to Drug Lab Environment
- Gondola height is now 66”, to better support additional retailer options
- Added cooler/refrigerated section
- Added support for up to 60’ of continuous planogram
- Existing Drug Environments will no longer be compatible, files will need to be rebuilt
- Fixtures now support slanted shelves
- Shelves can be slanted at 17 and 30 degree inclines
- To cycle the slant options, hover over the shelf and press up or down on the trackpad
Copy & Paste
- Added copy & paste feature
- Any product or fixture can be copied
- Hover over the product or fixture and press the “Menu” button
JDA Custom Product Update
- Added option to JDA loading to specify favoring custom products over library products
- This allows users to have a custom product with the same UPC as a library product and specify which one they would like to use during JDA loading
Base Deck Support with Copy & Paste
- Added support for moving/ copy & paste to base decks
- When moving or copy & pasting gondola backer, base deck products will now travel with the rest of the section
Product Library
- Rebuilt the "Product" tab to improve performance
- A category or search term must now be selected prior to searching
- Added support for tabbing through create custom products feature in the product library
Signage Library
- Signage can now be organized into groups using the “Add Group” button
- Once a group is created, signage can also be clicked and dragged into groups
Composite Visual Options
- Users can now select which visual outputs they would like to generate when creating a composite
Maximum Teleport Distance
- In the “Configure” tab, users can now specify the maximum teleport distance a respondent can travel (in ft)
Folder Location Option for Report Outputs
- In the “Settings” page, under “Output Folder Location”, users can now specify a location for report outputs
- Reports must still maintain the “Save File Name” > “Outputs” > “Respondent #” format, but the location of this folder can now be specified
- This location is used for both research and reports generation, so please ensure the correct location is specified prior to running research or generating composite reports
- If no location is specified, default location is used (Folder located next to the RSG file)
Auto Launch Eye Tracking Calibration
- Added a button on the moderator UI to automatically launch Eye Tracking Calibration
- This button is only available if using a Vive Pro Eye
- This button is only available in Research mode, prior to starting a session
Screen Capture Mode
- Clicking the camera icon in the upper right corner of the moderator UI will hide all UI to allow for cleaner screenshot/video recordings
- Hovering off the camera icon will cause it to disappear, while hovering over it will cause it to re-appear
No Logo Options in Lab Environments
- Added option for “No Logo” to dropdown, so users can remove the in-store logo if desired
- Hovering off the camera icon will cause it to disappear, while hovering over it will cause it to re-appear
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause ReadySet to hang on “Exit Without Saving”
- Fixed an issue that prevented pallets from properly re-sizing
- Fixed an issue that would cause “Take Hi Res Screenshots” to not always find all available cameras