Is your brand ready for the metaverse?

Man in VR headset entering metaverse

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail As we enter another digital transformation, it is critical for you to understand the players, bets and how to get into the metaverse. What is the metaverse? Metaverse is a term describing the technological shift that establishes a digital world existing beyond the one we are currently living. It incorporates technology such as AR…

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Virtual Cannabis Stores Deliver Better Retail Experiences

Man weighing cannabis on scale in dispensary store

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Virtual reality is being used to educate customers on cannabis products and establish a dispensary brand image. The cannabis industry is growing rapidly with the expectation that it will continue to do so as more states legalize. Research shows that the legal cannabis market will grow 20-30% per year to the price of 50…

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4 Retail Tech Trends to Watch in 2022

4 Retail Tech Trends to Watch in 2022

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Modern retail checkout counters and virtual retail labs are 2022 technology trends shaping the retail industry over the next year. The continued turbulence of 2021 has left the retail industry with new consumer behaviors, labor shortages, supply chain issues and accelerated online solutions. As tech in retail becomes necessary to provide superior customer experiences,…

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How Retail is Using VR to Innovate Planograms Amid Product Shortage

one per customer please sign on empty shelf

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail The labor and product shortages in 2021 has made it difficult for stores to keep shelves stocked. Virtual reality is providing a collaborative space for innovation despite global supply chain realities. Pandemic induced supply chain issues and labor shortages in 2021 have changed retail experiences and strategies. Just as retailers were ramping up their…

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6 Things in Future Gas Stations and Convenience Stores

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Consumers influenced by the pandemic and an increasingly digital world are accelerating convenience store innovation. The increasing adoption of electric vehicles and pending self-driving cars/fleets are reshaping the future of convenience stores. These new technologies are paired with increasingly digitally reliant consumers, which require convenience stores to rethink their shopping experiences and the role…

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5 Front End Challenges & How Retail is Reinventing the Future of Brick and Mortar

Woman placing grocery items on a checkout belt

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail New technologies and consumer behaviors have made retailers realize they need to quickly reinvent the in-store experience at checkout. Consumer behaviors rapidly changed during the pandemic and impacted the retail front end as it is considered a high contact area. Fear to touch checkout merchandise and machines has led to poor front end performance…

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5 Holiday Shopping Predictions & Recommendations for 2021

Women in masks holding gifts while Christmas shopping

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail The pandemic greatly influenced celebrations and holiday shopping in 2020, but with normalcy on the horizon there are different 2021 holiday predictions that retailers should consider. Last year, the Covid-19 pandemic led to a decrease in holiday social gatherings. Although there were less family holiday celebrations and religious services, traditions such as decorating, gifts…

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Eye-Tracking VR Technology is Changing the Retail Industry

Woman shopping in virtual reality grocery store with eye tracking heatmap

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Retailers use virtual reality to conduct eye tracking consumer research that uncovers accurate shopper insights. The pandemic and rapid digital transformation in retail is pressuring brands to innovate and adapt their shopping experiences based on changing consumer behaviors. In order to quickly collect and understand consumer insights, many organizations have turned to virtual reality.…

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7 Retail Industry Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

Man shopping a pasta aisle reinvention using virtual reality

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Today, the rapid advancements in technology have led to almost every facet of our lives shifting online, catering to a population that is more adaptive to the current times. The retail industry is no exception. The current world situation has vastly impacted retail industry trends in 2021, with an increasing number of people resorting…

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4 Ways Virtual Reality Is Used in Business

Doctor using virtual reality to simulate brain surgery

FacebookTweetLinkedInEmail Virtual reality goes beyond video games and shopping. VR is used in retail to assist with innovation, in healthcare for risk-free training, and in construction to provide better project communication. When you hear the words “virtual reality”, you may think of video games or science fiction. But how is VR used in business? Gain…

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