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Learn how CPGs are using virtual reality to succeed post-pandemic or dive into store digital twins and metaverse shopping experiences in one of our white papers:

  • The Role of Digital Twin Technology in 2023 Retail
  • How VR technology is shaping 2022 Retail
  • A Guide to Retail Innovation in a Post-Pandemic Market
ReadySet VR White Paper: The Role of Digital Twin Technology in 2023 Retail

ReadySet Blog

5 New Shopper Behaviors Shaping 2023 Holiday Trends

5 New Shopper Behaviors Shaping 2023 Holiday Trends

The 2023 holiday shopping season includes several new and intriguing behaviors that are altering the retail landscape. The approaching holiday months are often considered the biggest and most important time of the year for retail in terms of sales and revenue. Shoppers increase their spending on gifts, decorations, food, and other holiday-related items. This creates…

Self checkout technology of the best checkout experiences | ReadySet VR

Self Checkout Technology for the Best Checkout Experiences

Explore innovative retail checkout counter ideas driven by the latest self checkout trends. These new front of store technologies are elevating brands with unique competitive advantage. In the retail industry, it’s universally recognized that creating a delightful customer experience is paramount. Years of research has revealed that the retail checkout experience is one of the…

Apple Vision Pro VR Headset

Has the Apple Vision Pro solved VR headset adoption friction?

Update: Apple has officially announced that the highly anticipated Apple Vision Pro is set to be released in the U.S. on February 2, 2024. After waiting years for an Apple virtual reality release date, we uncover what the Apple Vision Pro has to offer and what it means for VR adoption. Has Apple created the…

7 Key Takeaways from Retail Innovation Conference & Expo (RICE) 2023

7 Key Takeaways from RICE 2023

The Retail Innovation Conference & Expo 2023 held in Chicago June 13-15 showcased the latest retail industry trends and insights driving innovation. With its cutting-edge technology, renowned speakers, influential attendees, and unparalleled networking opportunities, RICE is an event that caters to all. Although ReadySet didn’t have a booth at this year’s event, we recognized the…

home improvement store shopper evaluating products

4 Game-Changing Home Improvement Industry Trends You Need To Know

In today’s rapidly evolving home improvement industry, staying ahead of the curve and effectively responding to the latest trends have become crucial for businesses to thrive. Home improvement retailers in 2023 are incorporating cutting-edge technologies, embracing the empowering Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement, and continually adapting to meet the ever-changing preferences of their customers. By staying informed…

3 Leading Grocery Industry Trends & New 2023 Retail Strategies

3 Leading Grocery Industry Trends & New 2023 Retail Strategies

To differentiate, innovate, and defend their strategies, leading grocers need to make bold product decisions, invest in their people, and improve their digital capabilities by partnering with tech companies. The grocery industry trends in 2022 were constantly evolving. As we look ahead further into 2023, there are three key grocery store trends driving change. First,…


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